Big Shot

Strap into the Big Shot and prepare to be shot 160 feet in the air at 45 miles per hour as you overlook the majestic Las Vegas Valley. In a matter of seconds, the Big Shot thrill ride catapults 16 riders from the 921-foot high platform up the Tower's mast to a height of 1,081 feet and down again. Before you catch your breath, you'll be shot back up again at forces unmatched by other Vegas thrill parks! Experience a gut-wrenching four 'G's of force on the way up, and feel negative 'G's on the way down as your legs dangle in the Las Vegas skyline.


Observation Deck Admission:$20

Observation Deck +1 Ride:$25

Observation Deck +2 Ride:$30

Observation Deck +3 Ride:$35

Unlimited Tower & Rides:$39.95

Business Hour

Sunday - Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00

Saturday and Holidays: 10:00 -2:00 in the morning.

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